PHYS-E6571 - Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology D, Lecture, 9.1.2023-20.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 20.04.2023 Search Courses: PHYS-E6571
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Topic outline
The course starts on 12.1.2023
First lecture is on Thursday 12.1. at 12:15 - 14:00
First exercise is on Monday 16.1. at 12:15 - 14:00
Mode of teaching: All lectures and exercises are organized physically in Otaniemi. Lecture recordings will be made available after each lecture.
The course book is O'Hayre, R., Cha, S. W., Prinz, F. B., & Colella, W. (2016). Fuel cell fundamentals. John Wiley & Sons (3rd edition). The book is available as an E-book via Aalto library. (Require VPN connection for remote access)
Course Staff:
Dr. Janne HalmeUniversity Lecturer, Docent, New Energy Technologies group, Department of Applied Physics( Responsible teacher, coordinates the course- Lectures 1 - 4 and 5b, exam, team project work topicsDr. Prof. Imran AsgharProfessor at Hubei University; Academy Research Fellow, Docent, New Energy Technologies group, Department of Applied Physics( Lecture 5a, 9aSanaz Zarabi GolkhatmiDoctoral researcher, New Energy Technologies group, Department of Applied Physics( LabworkAxel SavikkoResearch assistant, New Energy Technologies group, Department of Applied Physics( Exercises and homeworkGuest lecturers- Invited speakers from industry and academia