ELO-E1025 - Theory, Art and Artistic Practices 2, Lecture, 5.9.2022-16.9.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 16.09.2022 Etsi kursseja: ELO-E1025
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TASKS for passing course independently Tiedosto PDF
Please find instructions attached.
Write an “imaginary introduction” of 3-4 pages to your MA thesis.
Submit your writing assignment in MyCourses folder “Imaginary introduction” by 5PM of the 9th of September.
You may not know much about your thesis subject yet but imagine how you could introduce your starting point and the aims you have in your thesis. You may not have decided the topic yet but choose one topic you have been thinking of.
The introduction would include presenting the research question/s but also reflecting on what made you interested in the topic. Write the introduction in the style that you want, as if it was the actual beginning of your thesis. Please ensure that you cover the following aspects:
- What made you interested in this topic
- Why is this topic relevant, to whom it might be relevant to?
- Introduction of your research questions
- Introduction to the areas of knowledge you will address in relation to your research question/s.
- Explanation of your methodology: how are you going to conduct your research and answer your research questions?
Usually, the introduction is written in the end of the process but trying to answer these questions is a good way to test your ideas, test your topic, realize if your questions are still too wide, imagining what type of answers you might find and to whom they would be relevant to can help you in formulating your research approach.
Slides From aha moments to research frameworks (I) Tiedosto PDF
From aha-moments to research frameworks (II) Tiedosto PDF
Write a short description (max 1 page) of your MA thesis idea.
What could be your research question?
How would you approach your questions?
Ideally your MA thesis addresses questions related to your artistic work, but other approaches are accepted as well.
Email your proposal to susanna.helke@aalto.fi and arturo.delgado@aalto.fi by the morning of the 5th of September.