32E29000 - European and International Tax Law, Lecture, 25.10.2022-9.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 09.12.2022 Search Courses: 32E29000
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Topic outline
Slides Folder
Forum for finding Court Case presentation mates
Link to Materials Folder
Quiz Number 1
Open five days longer to make up for the delay with the second video.
Once you start the quiz, you have an hour to solve it.
Quiz Number 2
Open for a week.
Once you start, you have an hour to solve the quiz.
Quiz 3
As usual - one hour.
Court case Assignment
Get the powerpoints here. Make sure that the names of the group members read on the first page.
Essay Assignment
Assignment materials Folder
Here the materials of the assignment.
lecture exam Assignment
This is just for me to get the points into MyCourses
Transfer pricing Assignment
Get the assignment in here.
book exam 1 Assignment
just for me to feed the info into MyCourses
feedback Assignment
For me to feed the points into MC