CS-E4003 - Special Assignment in Computer Science D, Lectures, 5.9.2022-9.6.2023
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Topic outline
Special assignment is an independent technical or scientific research or software project in the field of computer, communication or information sciences. With a prior agreement, the work can be carried out in groups.The supervisor of the special assignment has to be one of the faculty members at department of computer science. If you want somebody else to supervise your special assignment, please contact the responsible teacher of the course.The special assignment topic can be proposed either by the supervisor or student(s). In either case, you must find the supervisor yourself. You can contact him by email, but please don’t spam all professors. Instead contact the professor, whose research area matches your project topic best.Before starting the special assignment, you have to prepare a project plan (about two pages). In the plan, you need to describe the topic of the project. The outline of the research plan is as follows
- title
- student name(s), id(s) and email address
- supervisor name and email address
- introduction
- tasks including estimated hours per each task
- schedule
- references
In the introduction, give references to most related work. Also, describe the different tasks and their schedule. The final credits (1-10) of the special assignment are based on your estimation of required work hours for each task. Naturally, the professor might have different opinion on the amount of credits, and thus you have to agree on the number of the credits before the work begins.When you and your supervisor have agreed on the project plan, please send it as pdf file to the responsible teacher of the course.During the project work, you can discuss it with your supervisor either personally or by email. You have to yourself ensure that you follow the timetable of your project plan. If you need to make major adjustments to the timetable, you need to re-approve it with your supervisor and send the updated project plan to the responsible teacher of the course.When the project is almost ready, you should also demo the results to the supervisor. Finally, you have to prepare final report and send it to the supervisor for approval. Typical length for the final report is 5-15 pages depending of the amount of credits that you have agreed with your supervisor before you started the work.When the supervisor has approved your report, send it to the responsible teacher of the course. The teacher will then contact your supervisor and ask his grading for your report. The grading has to include both short text comments and grade on scale (0-5). You will be notified about the results by email.Please, note that in near future the emails will be replaced by MyCourses assignments to reduce extra email traffic.