ELEC-C9420 - Introduction to Quantum Technology, Lecture, 6.9.2022-8.12.2022
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Topic outline
On this page you will find general information about the course Introduction to Quantum Technology (ELEC-C9420). In case you have any questions, please contact the course staff via Telegram group, the general discussion forum below, or in more personal matters by email.Course staff
The responsible teacher of this course is Matti Raasakka (matti.raasakka@aalto.fi). The course assistants are Lassi Lahtiluoma and Qingxin Yang.Weekly schedule
There are two lectures and two exercise sessions every week. The lecture times are:- Tuesdays 10:15-12:00 lecture hall M1/M232 (Otakaari 1)
- Thursdays 12:15-14:00 lecture hall U3/U141 (Otakaari 1)
(See 'Lectures and materials' page for a more detailed schedule.)The lectures will be given on campus, but also broadcasted and recorded via Zoom at least during the first period. You can find the link to the Zoom session from the Lectures link and recordings pages.There are two exercise sessions per week. The exercise session times are:- Tuesdays 12:15-14:00 in room U3 (period 1) or room A1 (period 2)
- Fridays 14:15-16:00 in room U5 (period 1) or room U6 (period 2)
Midterm exams
The first midterm exam will be organized on the 20th of October at 13:00-16:00 in room U1/U154 (Otakaari 1).The second midterm exam will be organized on the 8th of December at 13:00-16:00 in room U1/U154 (Otakaari 1).In order to pass the course, you must get at least 20% of the maximum points from each of the midterm exams.
Study materials
Lecture slides will be published weekly. As the course material is rather varied, we will be using several different textbooks for this course. The first half of the course (classical mechanics) will be based mainly on Young, Freedman, University Physics (13th Edition), Pearson. For the second half we will be using at least Nielsen, Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: 10th Anniversary Edition, Cambridge University Press, and Harris, Modern Physics, Second Edition, Pearson. In addition, several freely available materials will be used, which will be linked to 'Schedule and materials' page.Grading
The course grade is based on the exercise problem points and the midterm exam points. There will be altogether 12 weekly exercise problem sets, with three problems each, and two midterm exams. The final points for the course will be determined as follows:- max. 2p/exercise problem => maximum points from weekly exercise problems = 72p
- max. 36p/midterm exam => maximum points from midterm exams = 72p
The final grade will be determined based on the sum of these two contributions. The lower limits for the different grades are:
72p => grade 1
87p => grade 2
101p => grade 3
116p => grade 4
130p => grade 5
In addition, you must get at least 20% of the maximum score (~ 8p) from each of the midterm exams in order to pass the course.
Absences and compensations
Any absence is the students own responsibility. If you cannot attend an exam or give in a weekly exercise due to illness, contact the teacher as soon as possible. Any compensations or special arrangements must be negotiated with the teacher well in advance.-
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