Topic outline

  • General


    The objective of the course “Multimedia Services in Internet” is to teach students some of the preliminary concepts in networking and how content delivery and de-facto video streaming systems work in the Internet. During the first lectures, students become familiar with some of the fundamental concepts in computer networking and wireless communications, quantifying the factors that impact the quality of service (QoS) in data delivery as well as identifying the criteria which impact the perceived quality of experience (QoE) of video streaming mobile users. The discussions are then followed by learning how and with which mechanisms content delivery networks (CDNs) manage client requests. Video streaming and new topics in live and interactive video streaming are also covered. There are no live lectures after the introduction session. The course contents are taught via online video lectures and assessed by three assignments. Further, points are available for participation (watching the video lectures and answering the related quizzes, and course feedback). Although there are no exams, the assignments are hands on and require substantial work.

    In case you need more information, help or technical advice, you have four options:

    •The primary forum for questions is the course's Zulip chat realm, which you can join here.

    •You can also post a message to the Questions and Answers forum.

    •Send email to the course address: (preferably only for administrative queries)

    •Request the course staff for an appointment, either on Zulip or via email: Matti Siekkinen, Gazi Illahi (

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