TU-L0022 - Statistical Research Methods D, Lecture, 2.11.2021-6.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 06.04.2022 Search Courses: TU-L0022
Using discussion forums (3:19)
In this video, the different discussion forums and what they are for is explained.
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Discussion forums are the primary communication channels of
the course outside the seminars. Whenever you have a question or you
have a comment, unless it's a very personal question such as why is your
grade missing, the place to ask is one of the course forums. There are a
couple of different kinds of forums. We have the
announcements forum here and everyone is subscribed and you can't
unsubscribe. So this is for things that I communicate to all the
students. If I need to send you a message, then I will always do so by
the announcements forum. Then we have unit-specific
forums. Every unit has one forum, and there's a task that you need to
complete. So you need to post at least one question or one comment to
each forum to complete a unit. These are graded, so good questions
contribute to your participation grade and if you comment on other
students' posts, if someone asks you a question, you answer that
question, that contributes to your participation grade. These are
automatic subscriptions, which means that everyone is subscribed, but
you can also unsubscribe yourself. If you have heard enough of
introductions on the unit one form, then you can always unsubscribe
yourself from the unit one form, and then you will no longer get
notifications of new posts. You can, of course, go back and read the
forum, but you'll no longer get the email. There's the
general discussion forum. If you have questions that are not specific to
any unit, for example, are, pretty much every year we have a discussion
on which statistical software is the best. And that's a good discussion
for the general forum. If you have an article and you want to ask
questions about an article that you read, but it's not really related to
any of the forums, then you can go for general discussions. This does
not contribute towards your participation grade. Then we
have a special forum for data analysts assignment, and by default, no
one is subscribed to that forum except me. And the reason for that is
that this is for questions about the data assignment. And those
questions are typically quite specific to an individual. So you can, for
example, post log files show that Stata or R gives me this kind of
error message, here is what I do, this is what I get, what's the
problem? So this is for you asking questions from me, but it's as a
forum so that those who want to follow what kind of problems others have
and what are the solutions, can do so. But it's not automatic because
this tends to generate large emails because of your log files. I have
instructions on how to ask for help on that forum. Importantly,
when you have the forum here, this is an empty forum because the course
has not started yet. There is the button here for subscription options.
So if you think that you are getting too
much email from the course, check which forums you no longer want to
follow and switch subscription options, and unsubscribe from the forum.