
All of the Thursday and Friday classes of the beginner group will be either in Room G203 or L208. There are no computers in G203 so bring a laptop. L208 is a computer classroom

Period 1

Workshop week

No class, but consider registering for the Workshop Period 1, Audiovisual Studio. That course will introduce you to TouchDesigner and goes deeper into audiovisual art.

Period 2
  • Oct 26 | G203 | DOM Elements (controlling HTML elements with p5.js)
  • Oct 27 | L208 | noise(), sin(), cos()

  • Nov 2 | G203 Working with Data (JSON)
  • Nov 3 | L208 Working with Data Continued | FFT Analysis

  • Nov 09 | G203 Introduction to other creative coding environments
  • Nov 10 | L208 Machine learning with the ml5.js library

  • Nov 16 | G203 Working with Hardware (serial, OSC)
  • Nov 17 | L208 Working with hardware: Pen plotters (Axidraw)

  • Nov 23 | G203 Project Work and Tutoring
  • Nov 24 | L208  Project Work and Tutoring

  • Nov 30 | G203 Project Work and Tutoring
  • Dec 1 | L208 Project Work and Tutoring

DEMO DAY, December 13.
Consider presenting your work at Demo Day or in the joint exhibition with Physical Computing class.

Last modified: Monday, 11 September 2023, 8:29 PM