MS-EV0021 - General Topology, Lectures, 27.2.2024-12.4.2024
This course space end date is set to 12.04.2024 Search Courses: MS-EV0021
Practical information
Here we post practical information to answer questions such as "Where and when are the contact sessions?".
Registration is underway! Register for the course on the Sisu page.
The first session will be held on Tuesday 27.2.2024 from 10-12 in U119 Deloitte.
During easter holidays 28.3-3.4 we will not have any sessions.
The final exam will be held on Thu 18.4: From 12:00+epsilon to 15:00+epsilon in Otakaari 1, Y122 D-sali
How the course works
In this course, we have two main weekly sessions:
- Tue 10-12 (U119 Deloitte) EXCEPTION: U356 on Tue 19.3
- Wed 14-16 (U358)
In these weekly sessions we will spend most of our time solving exercises and proving results based on the topic of each session. During these sessions students are able to receive assistance from teachers and we will cover some important aspects together here also.
Before each session, there is some reading/watching material on each topic which is recommended to study before the session. The details will be posted in the course Timeline.
Participating in the sessions will give exercise point credits which are a major part of the course grade. See also: How to pass the course. If a student cannot participate, they will have to get these credits by returning written solutions instead.
Additionally, there will be a small number of homework exercises (2-3) per week which give further exercise point credits when returned.
If there is further demand for assistance in the exercises, there may be an additional session on Friday 10-12. This session is optional if it is held:
Friday 1.3 (Optional session held U119 Deloitte)
Friday 8.3 (Optional session held U119 Deloitte)
Friday 15.3 (Optional session held U119 Deloitte)
Friday 22.3 (Optional session held Y229c)
After the last week of sessions, there will be an exam which is a minor part of the course grade, but a certain percentage of points from the exam is required to pass. The exam will not be more difficult than the exercises.