This page gives details on how the course grade (1-5) is given.

The grade will be composed of:


Exercises will be the main part of the course grade. Exercise credits are obtained from:

  • Participating in the weekly sessions (Tue/Wed). Each session gives separate credits.
  • (Alternative, not recommended) Returning written solutions to session exercises in MyCourses. See instructions.
  • Returning weekly homework assignments in MyCourses. See instructions.

So the maximum credits per week are obtained by attending both weekly sessions and returning the weekly homework assignment.

The deadline for returning solutions to exercises each week is on the next Monday at 23:59.

Further details on evaluation later.

Final exam

There will be a final exam, but it will be a smaller part of the total grade as the exercises. However, some percentage of points from the final exam is required to receive a passing grade. The difficulty of the final exam will be similar or easier than the exercises.

Grading formula

Exercise credits: 60% of total score

Final exam: 40% of total score

The following numbers may be adjusted slightly after the exam (if it was too hard, we may lower these):

Score required to pass: 50% total score and 50% exam score.

Grade 1-5 total score requirements: 50%/60%/70%/80%/90%

Last modified: Monday, 25 March 2024, 11:09 AM