Tasks of an instructor

Instructor must have master degree in science/technology (M.Sc. / DI) or higher. Research assistants with degree of B.Sc. can not act as thesis instructors. The instructor must also work at Aalto University. The student may have two instructors (one from a company that instructs the subject related things and the other from university that instructs and checks that the requirements of a bachelor's thesis are met).

First, once you have decided that you are willing to instruct a thesis, you should formulate a subject that is a) coherent, b) is based on literature research, however, a small/some part of the research can be experimental work if necessary, c) define the thesis subject (what is included and what should be excluded). The expected length of the thesis is 15-30 pages, not more. Note that the student is writing his/her first scientific text and the emphasis on the course is in the information retrieval, analysis, critical thinking, and learning the scientific writing and speech style.

Secondly, you are expected to meet the student few times during the course. In the first meeting you should motivate the student, and agree on the schedule of the following meetings utilizing the course schedule (ask the student if you don't know). In the second meeting you give feedback on the definition of the subject based on the first draft that the student has stored in MyCourses. Check that the student has understood the subject correctly so that it is possible to continue writing the right things during summer break (you are not expected to instruct the student during holiday season). The course has few writing/speech workshops that operate during summer and they are led by course teachers.

Later, you are expected to check the following drafts and give feedback accordingly.

In the end of the course, you may attend the final seminar where the student presents the thesis (either in real life or in Zoom-conference depending on the Covid-19 situation in the end of the summer). You are also expected to evaluate the written thesis and to send the evaluation to the responsible teacher of the student's course.

Last modified: Thursday, 28 May 2020, 10:36 AM