Here is a list of useful textbooks you can use in the course:

Lectures 5 to 8 (and Basics in Electronics course)
1- James W. Nilsson and Susan A. Riedel, Electric Circuits, Pearson Prentice Hall. We use the 7th and later Editions of the book.

There is no e-book and only three hard copies available in the Aalto Library; teachers encourage students to buy a book, but it may be possible to pass this course with active participation and materials available in MyCourses and library.

2- Tildon H. Glisson, Introduction to Circuit Analysis and Design, Springer (free alternative for lectures 5 to 8)

Lecture 10 to 14

1 - Adel S Sedra & Kenneth Carless Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford press. We use the 6th and later editions of the book. There is no e-book and only six hard copies available in the Aalto Library;,contains,microelectronic%20circuits&tab=LibraryCatalog&search_scope=MyInstitution&sortby=date_d&vid=358AALTO_INST:VU1&facet=frbrgroupid,include,9026112289207176026&lang=en&offset=0

2 . Rekha Singh, B.P. Singh, Electronic Devices, 2nd Edition (free alternative for lecture 10).
The book is available freely here: (you should use your Aalto email to log in and access the book)

3. DM Harris and SL Harris, Digital Design and Computer Architecture, 2nd Edition (free alternative for lecture 11 and 12).

The book is available freely here: (you should use your Aalto email to log in and access the book).

Last modified: Friday, 22 April 2022, 2:02 PM