LC-1117 - Integrated Oral and Written Skills (o,w) (H11 Integrated with PHYS-A0140 TFM), Lecture (H11 Integrated with PHYS-A0140 TFM), 26.4.2023-7.6.2023
This course space end date is set to 07.06.2023 Search Courses: LC-1117
Session 4 Discussion questions
1. What makes an effective presentation introduction in your opinion (think of more academic, content-heavy talks)? What questions should the introduction answer for the audience?
2. Why do you think many presentation guidebooks emphasize the importance of using brief summaries and linkers to upcoming points when moving from point a to b, etc. (“now that we have explained how X works, let’s consider its structure more carefully”)? Do you agree with this advice?
3. What makes an effective conclusion in your opinion (think again of more academic, content-heavy talks)?
4. What are some good rule-of-thumb principles for slide design and use? (how many slides / length of talk, how much text to include, etc.).
5. How should citations be marked on the slides?
6. What tips do you give for a classmate who feels a bit nervous about presenting---- about physics and/or in English? How to prepare? What kind of notes to use if any?
7. What aspects should we take into account when presenting in Zoom?