MS-E2191 - Graduate Seminar on Operations Research (V) D, Lecture, 8.9.2023-1.12.2023
This course space end date is set to 01.12.2023 Search Courses: MS-E2191
Seminar "Algorithms and Games on Graphs"
Teacher: Philine Schiewe (
this seminar, we consider combinatorial objects on graphs, ranging from
spanning tress, over matchings and flows to Hamiltonian cycles. For
each of these objects, we consider a classical optimization problem and
algorithmic solution approaches, as well as a game theoretic
interpretation and an application.
Practical matters:
Seminar meetings: on Fridays 9:30 - 12:00 in room U121a
Note: There
will be no seminar on Friday, 8.9.2023. Instead, please rate the topics
according to your preferences, see further Topic Scoring.
Grading principals:
- maximal 100 points
- two presentations: maximal 60 points (30+30)
- handouts: maximal 10 points (5+5)
- acting as chair/opponent: maximal 10 points (5+5)
- attendance and discussion remaining talks: maximal 10 points
- feedback/scorecards: maximal 6 points
- participating in lecture survey: 4 points
Grading scale: 0-5
Study material: Scientific articles, book chapters, etc.
Language of instruction: English