ELEC-E3260 - Biomolecules D, Lecture, 9.1.2024-23.2.2024
This course space end date is set to 23.02.2024 Search Courses: ELEC-E3260
In-class Activity (group work output, exercise, discussion)
This section will be updated after each class/week.
week 1:
1.1 general discussion on Spectroscopy & Microscopy
(PS better color will be used from next class onwards)
1.2 N/A
week 2:
2.1 Jablonski diagram, How to measure absorption and emission
2.2 Photosynthesis & Fall foliage (slide), Fluorescence molecules and fluorescence spectroscopy/imaging, What is THz radiation and why it is important
week 3:
3.1 AFM working principle and modes, AFM use to study biomolecules, STM working principle (differences with AFM)
3.2 Electron Microscopy: working principle, SEM vs. TEM, Electron Microscopy for the study of biomolecules
week 4:
4.1 Guest lecture from Dr. Camilla Tossi (slide here)
4.2 Mass Spectrometry: working principle
week 5:
5.1 Vibrational modes, Raman signal: Stokes and anti-Stokes, feature of a Raman spectra (pick one representative spectrum)
5.2 Raman vs. IR spectroscopy, IR region and response, feature of an IR spectra

6.1 guest lecture by Dr. T. Posati (slide not yet available)
6.2 lecture on Biomaterials (silk fibroin) for electronics (slide here)