This section will be updated after each class/week.

week 1: 

1.1 general discussion on Spectroscopy & Microscopy 


(PS better color will be used from next class onwards)

1.2 N/A

week 2:

2.1 Jablonski diagram, How to measure absorption and emission 


2.2 Photosynthesis & Fall foliage (slide), Fluorescence molecules and fluorescence spectroscopy/imaging, What is THz radiation and why it is important 


week 3:

3.1 AFM working principle and modes, AFM use to study biomolecules, STM working principle (differences with AFM)


3.2 Electron Microscopy: working principle, SEM vs. TEM, Electron Microscopy for the study of biomolecules


week 4:

4.1 Guest lecture from Dr. Camilla Tossi (slide here)

4.1 4.1.b 4.1.c

4.2 Mass Spectrometry: working principle

week 5:

5.1 Vibrational modes, Raman signal: Stokes and anti-Stokes, feature of a Raman spectra (pick one representative spectrum)


5.2 Raman vs. IR spectroscopy, IR region and response, feature of an IR spectra 

week 6:

6.1 guest lecture by Dr. T. Posati (slide not yet available)

6.2 lecture on Biomaterials (silk fibroin) for electronics (slide here)

Last modified: Friday, 16 February 2024, 11:07 AM