ARTS-E0711 - Sculpture Now!, Lecture, 8.1.2024-13.2.2024
This course space end date is set to 13.02.2024 Search Courses: ARTS-E0711
Workshops and Timetable
We have booking for the following workshops: multi material, wood, metal and plaster workshops. Aforementioned workshops will be open also on Tue, Wed, Thu evenings until 8:00 pm in the first period. This may help you continuing the daytime tasks. Note, evening time workshops are available through online booking system. It is always good to check with studio masters for special requirements.
Other workshops, such as 3D-printing, laser cutting and NC milling are awailable through online booking system.
Close Workmasters
Roel Meijs: Sculpture and Multimaterial Workshops and Surfice Treatment.
Tatu Vuorio: Sculpture, Multimaterial and Plaster Workshops
Petteri Varmola: Multimaterial and Plaster Workshops and Surfice Treatment
Workmasters in general are available on Mondays from 12 noon – 16:00 and from Tuesday to Thursday 09:00 – 16:00, good to make appointment! Monday mornings 08:00 – 12:00 are reserved for the workshop maintenance.
Course Timetable
Contact teaching – Intro Lecture at 09:15 on in L101, Väre.
Ari present, Mondays & Tuesdays 08.1. – 13.2. Students are expected to develop their individual projects through these days. Sculpture Now! will start on Monday 8th with a short introduction and continue with an intro at the Metal Workshop in Väre. We will have guest lectures on Monday January 15th and 22nd.
Workshop intros
Metal Workshop intro Monday January 8th at 13:30–16:00
Wood Workshop intro Tuesday 9th at 09:15–12:00 and 13:00–15:45 (group 1 and 2)
[Multimaterial Workshop intro Tuesday 9th at 09:15–12:00 and 13:00–15:45 (group 1 and 2)
to be confirmed]
Project schedule
Interim review on Tuesday January 16th from 09:15 on. Place: Arttu 107 oppimiskeskus/ learning centre. Three to four students groups with Ari Björn and Denise Ziegler including peer review.
Projects are expected to be finalized by Sunday February 11th.
We will be producing an exhibition, which we will install on Väre galleries in Main Lobby and FE Lobby on Monday 12th. The exhibiotion is open until February 23rd. We will have a final critic on Tuesday February 13th.
Guest lectures
45 minutes to one hour for the talk, followed by discussion and questions.
Outi Autti, January 15th at 09:30 on in Q203 Ryhmäopetus
Place attachment and changing environment
The lecture discusses the relationship between human and place and how changes in the environment can affect the well-being of individuals and communities. Concepts to be examined are place relation, place attachment, solastalgia, and environmental trauma.
Anssi Taulu, January 22nd at 09:30 on in Q203 Ryhmöopetus
Anssi Taulu was born in Jyväskylä, Finland in 1969. He works predominantly in the medium of sculptures, but includes environmental art projects, graphics, drawings, videos and collaborative projects with other artists in his large-scale installations.
Arctification –
Relatively Happy Place
Performers: Ari Björn, Thora Herrmann, Albina Pashkevich, Outi Autti and Alix Varnajot
Time and location: Wednesday, 31.1. Time: 15:30 – 17:00. At Academy of Fine Arts Mylly building exhibition spaces Kuva/Tila, Sörnäisten rantatie 19, 00530 Helsinki Kuva/Tila (
The goal of
this performance lecture is to study and develop interdisciplinary
opportunities for scientific and artistic research collaboration purposes in
order to reach out the wider awareness regarding in this particular case the
challenges associated with Arctification in northern Europe that has so far
remained in discipline specific academic discourses.
Arctification is defined as a social phenomenon producing historically constructed representations of the Arctic that are locked in winter-based imaginaries. Arctification refers to the production of particular representations of the Arctic among consumers as well as industry and political stakeholders.
Arcitification – Relatively Happy Place will play with the idea of academic lecture tradition intertwining with the performance art and theatrical props. The performance is reaching out with means of absurdity, imaginary place, real life and contradiction.