Present situation


  • The city plan for Hanasaari area is under progress at The City of Helsinki. The area is now experiencing a big change, when the power plant operation has ended and the area is freed up for other uses. 
  • The Hanasaari area is an industrial area and mainly landfill from the 1940s, therefore contaminated. 
  • The neighbouring Suvilahti is also an old industrial area, and its old industrial buildings currently house creative and cultural operators. Major Helsinki music events (Flow, Tuska) have been organised in Suvilahti for a long time. 
  • A residential area of ​​4,500 inhabitants is planned for the southern part of Hanasaari, the construction of which will start at the turn of the decade. 
  • Suvilahti, on the other hand, is being developed as an event area, and as part of this, a development reservation has been made for Suvilahti Event Hub in the northeast corner of the area. The construction of 50tm2 Suvilahti Event Hub in close vicinity will start at the end of 2024 with event venues, restaurants, retail, studios for the industry of moving images and a large hotel.
  • Helen (the city energy company) will continue to operate next to the power plant in the energy block: the new site plan enables the block to be used for the production of various forms of renewable energy.
  • There will not anymore be access with large sea vessels to the site.

Present extents of the main power plant building (app. ¼ of Battersea Power Station in London)

  • app. 35tm2 floor areal 
  • 0,5Mm3
  • average room height 14m

Buildings to be pulled down

  • All others except the main building and the personnel service building

Condition of stuctures
  • Almost all building parts have a pillar and beam structure tailor-made on site. 
  • Most  concrete shell elements, which have the characteristic ceramic tiling need to be replaced according to the present technical condition survey.
  • Your design must therefore include old, moved, replacing and new facade panels.

Introduction to the situation of the siteSurvey of structures

Viimeksi muutettu: torstaina 18. tammikuuta 2024, 22.18