Give your friend feedback on his/her video.
Comment on the pronunciation and comprehensibility (how well you understand what he/she is saying). Use the scale below.

Pronunciation (sounds, intonation, stress) 

1-3 Mostly incomprehensible pronunciation 

4-5 Some incomprehensibility due to mispronunciation 

6-7 Some mispronounced words, but no interference with comprehensibility 

8-10 Adequate pronunciation (no incomprehensibility due mispronunciation) 


1-3 Incomprehensible/almost incomprehensible to native speaker 

4-5 Many errors that impede comprehensibility, less than half understandable 

6-7 Some errors, but most do not impede comprehensibility.

8-10 Errors do not impede comprehensibility.

Say 3 positive things about the video.

Write 3 positive things about the video and one thing he could improve (if any).

You can copy this scale and post to the forum to your friend.

Viimeksi muutettu: sunnuntaina 11. helmikuuta 2024, 17.58