(If you didn't participate in the kick-off meeting on Zoom, first read the slides of the meeting. Those give you information about practical things in the course, the slides can be found on the previous page).

1. Orientating Flinga task (takes approx. 15 min)

First, stop and take a moment to think about what factors affect your own ability to study (do this before reading the theory). Which of these factors can you influence, and which can't you? Write your answers in the shared Flinga of the entire course Flinga - M&S Study ability, period 4This Flinga-task orientates you to the theme, and at the same time you already get a taste of what others in the course think about it.

Please do not write any confidential or otherwise personal information such as names, dates of birth or personal health information in this anonymous and shared Flinga.

2. Watch the following videos about mental wellbeing (5 min)

Bonus (=not obligatory) for those who understand Finnish: You can watch the following video (2 min) about ability to study. Unfortunately, there is no English subtitles available.  

3. Read and take notes (approx. 1 hour)

Make notes for yourself (for example, you can use a mind map as a method). Especially, pause to notice if there was something new, unclear, or thought-provoking in the texts, or if you disagree with something in the text.

Then, watch the following video (4 min) about the values and goals:

After you have familiarized yourself with all the materials on this page, ask yourself what the study ability model could mean in practice in your own life. Finally, go back and look at the original Flinga task - you don't need to add any new thoughts to Flinga, but just notice if your thoughts are still the same as before.

Keep the notes safe, as you will need them to support the discussion on this week's group assignment.

4. Watch the following short film (approx. 20 min.)

Being motivated, having fun or being successful is more likely in things that you personally consider meaningful and valuable, and in which you can fulfill yourself. That's why thinking about values ​​can increase well-being and brighten the direction of life.

At the same time, unclarified values ​​or also major value conflicts can weaken our well-being. In the following short film (duration 12 min.), value conflicts and choices are discussed through Sonja (played by Elsi Sloan), a student looking for a graduate job. What kind of thoughts does the film evoke in you? What kind of values do you (yourself) consider important? What kind of choices have you made so far in with your studies, and how have these situations felt?

(If English subtitles are not automatically visible, press "cc") 

Viimeksi muutettu: tiistaina 5. maaliskuuta 2024, 11.56