The first main theme of this week is to strengthen the skills of pausing for a moment. Being here and now can be very difficult in the middle of a busy everyday life or in a mind that is full of responsibilities. Sometimes we may get stuck in ruminating on things that have passed, such as our exam results or a presentation that has already been given. In contrast, sometimes our mind rushes to take care of the future, such as the courses of the next term or the future after graduation. The most challenging thing of all can be to stop in this very moment. Fortunately, it is a skill that can be consciously practiced and strengthened!

In fact, you have already been doing this throughout the course through the weekly mindfulness practice. Take a look at the exercises below and concentrate on listening to them in peace at least once. Try to approach them as a curious experimentation, without insisting on what they should feel like:

1.     Grounding Yourself (8-9 min):


2.      Counting Your Breathing in and Out by Using Numbers (4-5min) :

3.     Leave It At the Door (2-3min):

4.     Listening Me (6-7min)


5.     If you wish, you can also listen to other exercises on this website:





Viimeksi muutettu: keskiviikkona 20. joulukuuta 2023, 16.32