Studying involves several situations where things don't go exactly as we would have hoped. Failing an exam or the feeling of incompetence when dealing with a difficult assignment are both unpleasant experiences that we would like to avoid. Perhaps you remember from the previous materials how unpleasant feelings and emotions can throw us into the cycle of avoidance: we prefer to delay starting something rather than face the feelings that come with it. One way to break the cycle of avoidance is to practice a kind and permissive attitude towards your feelings. There’s a lot we can do when we allow even the challenging emotions that come with action.


Watch the following video regarding the acceptance of feelings and emotions:

Then list things that are meaningful to you and that you would like to be able to achieve by progressing in your studies. You can use the value exercises you did earlier in the course as help. After this, list the feelings and emotions that you have to face from time to time when you are moving towards the things that matter to you.

Senast redigerad: tisdag, 2 januari 2024, 11:28