In the exam you will not be able to use any sort of calculator. Therefore it is good that you get used to solving the homework in the same way already before the exam.

Below are the official guidelines of the department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis.

Students may use artificial intelligence-based technology to support their learning. If artificial intelligence has been used in solving exercise problems or in producing text, how and in which parts of the solution/text artificial intelligence has been used, must be stated in the work.

Teachers may forbid the use of artificial intelligence applications in some courses or in some assignments. Teachers’ instructions must be followed. 

Direct plagiarism of text and images, including text and images produced by artificial intelligence, is forbidden. 

The student is always responsible for the content of their submitted work. Artificial intelligence applications make plenty of mistakes and produce incorrect scientific-looking text. 

Usually, solving problems in mathematics courses without the help of artificial intelligence applications supports learning more than solving problems with the help of artificial intelligence applications. For this reason, it is recommended to use artificial intelligence only when the teacher instructs to use it. 

In the exams, exam problems are solved without the help of artificial intelligence applications. Often only writing instruments are allowed in the exams and the use of calculators, for example, is forbidden. 

Last modified: Saturday, 2 September 2023, 1:54 PM