"Vesitekniikan kehittämisrahasto" grants funding for undergraduate (BSc and MSc students) and graduate i.e. doctoral students studying water and environmental engineering at Aalto. Funding is granted based on an application.

Undergaruduate students

Undergarduate students can apply support for student exchange that lasts at least one semester. The fund supports especially studying water engineering abroad and hence it is required that 15 cr (ECTS) per semester of the studies must be water engineering. In addition to those 15 cr water engineering studies per semester one can select any other studies according to interest. When a student is eligible for this funding the amount of the grant is determined as follows:

  • Travel support: 300 EUR (Europe) and 800 EUR (outside of Europe)
  • Monthly allowance: 250 EUR per study month

Undergraduate students cannot receive support for trips lasting a shorter period than one semester.

Graduate students

In addition to longer exchange periods graduate students can apply fundig also for water engineering studies lasting a shorter time (e.g. short intensive courses provided by different univeristies. Conference trips are not funded.


When you recieve a grant from "Vesitekniikan kehittämisrahasto" you are required to write a report following your trip. The report does not have a fixed structure but typically in includes information about:

How did you organize your exchange period?

Last modified: Monday, 6 February 2017, 11:04 AM