LCA-1018  Recognition of prior English learning (AHOT in Finnish; o + w) (6 cr)
Teacher in charge: Diane Pilkinton-Pihko
Level of the course: Bachelor’s
Teaching period: I-II, II- III, III- IV, IV-V

Learning outcomes:

Through a portfolio, successful students will reliably demonstrate and document their prior learning of English as related to their field of study, where the prior learning equates the learning outcomes of an undergraduate English course.  This demonstration includes
  • An oral presentation or equivalent (videoed, minimum 10 minutes) relevant to an academic or professional context (within the student’s field of study). See the assessment criteria in the portfolio guidelines.
  • A formal text (minimum 2 pages) on a field-specific topic intended for an academic or professional audience that is written solely by you. See the assessment criteria in the portfolio guidelines.
  • A portfolio where you reflect on your prior learning of English achieved through out-of-classroom contexts, connect the prior learning to the learning outcomes of an undergraduate English course, and present evidence to support your claims. The portfolio must be constructed according to the guidelines given in MyCourses.


The demonstration of prior learning of English as related to your field of study can include self-directed study, work experience, non-credit courses and other life experiences that are not recognized through a transfer of credit. These learning accomplishments must equate the knowledge and skills of an undergraduate English course at Aalto University. To demonstrate this prior learning of English for professional and/or academic purposes, a student submits a portfolio, compiled according to our guidelines. Through the portfolio, students reflect on their prior learning of English, articulate its connections to specific university foreign language requirements, and show validation or proof through both third party documentation and other forms of evidence.

Working Life Skills: Know-how related to my own field of studies, Skills in a foreign language, Skills related to working in an international environment, Written & Oral communication skills, Team work skills (optional), Self-awareness, Critical thinking skills, Analytical skills, Lifelong learning skills, and Self-confidence.

Assessment methods and criteria: Portfolio – pass/fail
Substitutes for courses: 02089, 02090, 02127, 02126, LCA-ARTS.1016, LCA-ARTS.1017, LCA-1016, LCA-1017
Course homepage: MyCourses + Course code
CEFR level: B2 or higher
Grading scale: Pass / Fail
Registration: WebOodi
Language of instruction: English
Further information: RPL /AHOT procedure


Senast redigerad: tisdag, 15 augusti 2017, 12:11