For this assignment there is no submission box. Ones you have completed the assignment you can mark the activity as completed by ticking the little box next to this description. Please be prepared to discuss the reading material on our next session.

Short background for this assignment:

Read one or both of these (or I could still recommend you to read both of them, in order to get a larger picture)

1. The Quality Handbook of your own school (these are found Inside, go first to your school). If your school doesn't have its own quality handbook anymore, you can read the Aalto Handbook (focus on chapter)

2. Aalto University Audit report 2016 

The second one (Audit report) is rather long - please read selectively parts describing teaching in different degree levels (in chapter 6 pages 37-57), key strengths and development areas.

If you are interested in, you can find more information on national audit & quality systems in Finnish higher education in here

Karvi (FINHEEC) was the national body, which is the responsible actor in the audits, although in Aalto-audit we had an international panel.

or in European Union-level

We will use these as background material when doing groupwork and tasks in the next time

Last modified: Thursday, 16 May 2019, 3:49 PM