A!Peda Intro 42 (English) fall 2019
The reading assignment for the 3rd session - DL 7.10.2019
The participants are divided in four groups and each group reads one topic. Familiarise yourself with the following articles. You will teach the topic to a small group in the next session.
Topic 1: Learning outcomes (Maryam, Marium, Pantelis, Shashank, Linh)
Declan Kennedy, Áine Hyland, Norma Ryan. Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: a Practical Guide
Topic 2: Students’ workload (Arpine, Caterina, Floran, Sebastian, Weiwei)
Karjalainen, A., Alha, K. ja Jutila, S. (2008) Give me time to think. (pp. 9-39)
About workload and learning - credits and calculation: https://www.uef.fi/documents/677821/698710/give_me_time_to_think.pdf/456db3fa-4fa8-4c28-859a-4b59d05388f8
OR https://www.oamk.fi/fi/tutkimus-ja-kehitys/hankkeet/kope/materiaalit/kirjojajaartikkeleita/
--> go to: Kirjoja ja artikkeleita --> from the list: Karjalainen, A., Alha, K. & Jutila S. (2008). Give Me Time to Think
Topic 3: Teaching methods (Alice, Martin, Arun, David, Zhogsen)
Hyppönen, O. & Lindén, S. Handbook for teachers – course
structures, Teaching methods and assessment, Chapters 3-4, pp. 18-55,
Topic 4. Learning assessment (Núria, Stephan, Julian, Luis, Junhe, Aqdas)
Brown, S. & Race, P. (2013) Using effective assessment to promote learning, in Hunt, L. & Chalmers, D. (ed.) University teaching in focus. A learning-centred approach. Pp. 74-91.
Please remember the maximum number of e-learning licences (3) with this material!