This week we will finish our landscape painting and the two extra assignments are introduced. You can return the extras also later. Please consider what type of project you would like to do starting next week. You should glance the techniques on the extra assignments even though you would not return them.

Some ideas for the project starting next week

-A larger collage

-A digital painting:

  • self portrait with mirror
  • a portrait of a friend with a photo reference
  • characters from imagination
  • animals from reference
  • a study of an art piece

You can see older projects here >


This week you will learn how to create a texturizing brush.

And how to use it


M5. Landscape */15 (phase 2/2)

This week we will texture and finish the landscape.

Name the file "M5_YourName_2.jpg"

Learn how to texture a landscape 


Brush, (alt-click) Eye-dropper, Lasso


Finish the landscape by texturing it

Brush setup

Paint brush
Size 100-500px, 
Hardness 100% or 0% when using as an airbrush
Opacity 30% when mixing/blending, 60-80% when painting 
Opacity 5-10 can be used in glazes
(Flow 100% and Smoothing 0%)
Colour: Start with the colours in the Swatches meny, mix colour on the canvas
“Always use pressure for size” pressed when painting
"Always use pressure for opacity" pressed when blending

  • Tip can be a textured one from the course presets (or from "Legacy brushes" folder)
  • You can squeeze the tip to be flat horizontally or you can use a tip made by yourself
  • Air and light are painted with large, round, soft brush

Texture brush Brush settings (F5)

  • A suitable tip
  • Scatter from Scattering submenu
  • Spacing from Brush tip shape submenu
  • Angle jitter from Shape dynamics (100% for general texture, less for grass etc)

Colour is chosen from the Swatches panel or occasionally from the Color panel and saved to Swatches

Model image

 Landscape 1-5 or from an online source with clear fore, middle and background area 


  • Paint the areas precisely with the colour of the shadow
  • Paint the texture on the middle and foreground with a texture brush

Assessment criteria

  1. The parts of the landscape are in correct positions by painting the base colours exact
  2. The image is textured in a smart manner (mostly on the foreground)
  3. The colours and contrast communicate the depth in the image 

Time to be used

4 hours


Demo Landscape 2

Extra assignments, checking the demos is mandatory :)

MX3. Airbrush /5

Learn how to pre paint a painting with an airbrush and how to colour a greyscale image




Draw, paint and colour a character 

Brush settings


  • Round tip brush
  • Size 7-20px, Hardness 100%
  • “Always use pressure for size” pressed
  • Opacity 40% (Flow 100% and Smoothing 0%)
  • Colour: 60% grey


  • Size 50px, Hardness 100%
  • Opacity 40


  • Size 100-1000px, Hardness 0%
  • Opacity 5-100% 
  • (Flow 100% and Smoothing 0%)
  • Used in tandem with the lasso

Paint brush

  • Size 100-500px, Hardness 100%
  • Opacity 30% when mixing/blending, 60-80% when painting 
  • Opacity 5-10 can be used in glazes
  • (Flow 100% and Smoothing 0%)
  • “Always use pressure for size” pressed when painting
  • "Always use pressure for opacity" pressed when blending
  • Tip can be a textured one from the course presets (or from "Legacy brushes" folder)
  • You can use a tip made by yourself

Model image

 This assignment you can do without a reference


  1. Line drawing on its own layer
  2. Paint under drawing layer with a soft round brush (airbrush) and the lasso tool
  3. Merge the drawing with the airbrush layer
  4. Continue with the airbrush and lasso
  5. Paint with a normal paint brush
  6. Paint colour to its own layer, which has the blending mode "color"

Assessment criteria

  1. There are soft transition combined with harder brushes
  2. There is light, bounced light and shine in the image

Time to be used

4 hours


Demo Airbrush

KX3. Abomination /5

The demo+lecture has quite a lot happening. You don't need to use all the techniques in the demo.

Name the file "M5_YourName_2.jpg"

Learn how to combine image manipulation and painting tools in a collage




Create a horrific portrait of yourself

Model image

 Taken by yourself and found online


  • Think about what makes an image horrific
  • Search images online
  • Make sure images you are using are ok sized
  • Use fitting images
  • Adjust the images for better match
  • Use photo textures and filters 
  • You can also paint on the image

Assessment criteria

  1. The transitions are unnoticable
  2. Manipulation, collage and/or painting are used in an imaginative way
  3. There is a strong atmosphere in the image and it is horrific

Time to be used

4 hours


Demo Abomination

Viimeksi muutettu: maanantaina 1. huhtikuuta 2019, 15.36