AaltoAPUA 050 46 46 462

The AaltoAPUA number 050 46 46 462 (+358 50 46 46 462 from abroad) can be contacted whenever in need of assistance.

The helpline is open 24/7 year-round and provides assistance in both Finnish and English.

The helpline will pass on your request for assistance to the correct people or organisation: the university service unit in question, property maintenance company, guards, etc.

When calling the helpline, please

  • state your name
  • give your location
  • give your unit’s or your supervisor’s name
  • give a clear explanation of why you are calling
  • do not hang up the call until you are directed to do so.

Please note that the helpline is not a replacement for Finland’s national emergency number, 112. In emergency situations that require immediate attention (fire, sudden bouts of illness, etc.) the fastest way to get assistance is to contact the national emergency number.

Emergency call 112

  • CALL 112
  • DESCRIBE what has happened, give an exact address and town
  • REPLY to the questions posed to you.
  • ACT in accordance with the instructions given to you.
  • DO NOT HANG UP until you have been given permission.
  • GUIDE the emergency staff to the right location.
  • CALL 112 again if the situation changes radically.

In case of fire

  • Save those in immediate danger, warn others.
  • Make an emergency call to 112 from a safe location.
  • Start to extinguish the fire if you are able to do it safely.
  • Do not put yourself in danger.
  • Prevent the fire from spreading by shutting doors, windows and ventilation if possible.
  • Do not go into a smoky staircase.
  • Guide the fire service to the location.

The order of measures may vary depending on the situation. REMEMBER: SMOKE KILLS.

In case of accident or seizure

  • Assess the situation quickly.
  • Find out what happened.
  • Find out if the patient is awake.
  • Is the patient breathing, is the heart beating?
  • Start giving first aid.
  • Ask for help from those trained in first aid. (Attention! All members of ARTS technical services are first aid trained).

Defibrillator can be found next to Information desk at the building Otakaari 5A foyer. This device is recommended to be attached to the victim always when s/he is unconscious. It guides you with CPR by sound- and light signals and speech.


Last modified: Thursday, 4 February 2021, 2:26 PM