Thesis supervision Martin Andraud 2020-2025
Guidelines and principles for your thesis
Completion requirements
Work Progresses & weekly meetings:
- If you carry out the thesis in the department: as a first basis, I will usually propose weekly meetings, either with me or with one of ny students who will co-supervise your thesis. I prefer that there is an "official time slot" for meeting your supervisors, even if sometimes we do not have a lot to discuss. It enables to have a certain rythm in the thesis. For our meeting, I do not expect a presentation everytime, but we will
go over and discuss the current work/issues/breakthroughs :).
- If you carry out the thesis in a company: your company supervisor will decide on the working principles and we will meet mostly at the beginning of the thesis process to fix the topic, and sparsely over the thesis period to check if everything goes well and discuss.
Autonomy but collaboration
- Research is a collaborative process. It is always good to discuss ideas, plans, implementations, etc. It is then expected to exchange with other people around, me or people in the lab
- Still, it is also expected to have a certain degree of autonomy, in studying publications, simulate, find new ideas, write your thesis. The thesis process is also a mean of evaluating how you approach a problem and find your own path.
Faireness and positive athmosphere
- My objective is to give you an interesting topic, and that we can all learn interesting things from the thesis. I try to have low hierarchical boundaries so that everybody can share opinions and ideas. Towards this goal, being fair and promoting a good athmosphere are key!
Communication and materials
Publications/thesis manuscript
- Presentations or other communication materials (posters, etc.) should be designed using the official Aalto templates. A list of template for main tools (Powerpoint, visio, etc.) is available here: If you prefer to Use Latex, you have templates available on our Ultinate Wiki (
- The general rule is to use LATEX for writing any publication or your thesis manuscript. You will find more information in the "Thesis Template" section
Writing your thesis (or publications) or improving your English
On top of your real research work, I encourage you to use Aalto services to help you writing your scientific documents, or just improve your english (and grain credits for it).
Some useful links:
- English courses:
- Thesis Writing for Engineers:
- Writing clinic:
Last modified: Friday, 12 June 2020, 5:12 PM