The students will take care of their own travel arrangements for the site visits in Rovaniemi. Each student will afterwards be given the amount of 128€ for the travel costs (cost of the cheapest return ticket for a student). The students can choose weather to travel by train or air. Reservations should be done as soon as possible to ensure there is space in the train or plane. Once you have booked your tickets, please email Maiju and let her know when you will arrive and where and we will try to organize pick-up.


The organized program begins at Rovaniemi on Thursday 17.9. in the morning at 9.30 the latest depending on the arrival of the group.

The students who arrive by train will be met at the train station after arrival at 07.40 and transportation to the site is organized. If someone is arriving by plane at 09.10 we will try to arrange a pick-up for that as well.

17.9.-18.9. we will stay overnight at Rovaniemi in accommodation organized by the client. This is free of charge for the students.

On Friday 18.9. the organized program ends at 17.00. Transportation to the train station or the airport is organized after this.

In case you want to stay in Lapland for the weekend you are also free to arrange this on your own.

Possible methods for travel:

By night train:

16.9. klo 18.45 night train Helsinki - Rovaniemi

18.9. klo 19.05 night train Rovaniemi – Helsinki

1 student per sleeping cabin Helsinki-Rovaniemi-Helsinki 274€ / person

2 students per sleeping cabin Helsinki-Rovaniemi-Helsinki 206€ / person

1 student without a sleeping cabin Helsinki-Rovaniemi-Helsinki (only a seat) 128€ / person

More train options can be found and bookings made at

By plane:

17.9. 07.25-09.10 Helsinki-Rovaniemi

18.9. 18.15-20 Rovaniemi-Helsinki

274€ return ticket / person

Viimeksi muutettu: maanantaina 31. elokuuta 2020, 16.26