
On Wednesday 16.12. we will meet for the final review of the study projects. Here you can find the schedule for the day

Everyone will have 15 minutes for their presentation and comments. The presentation time is 5 minutes, followed by teacher's comments (5min), student opponent's comments (3min) and general comments (2min). Please rehearse your presentation so we will stay on schedule.


Each project will be reviewed by one teacher before the review session. The teacher will write down their comments on our feedback sheet (can by found here: )

The feedback is given according to our evaluation criteria listed in the assignment pdf.

Each student will also act as a student opponent for one fellow student. For this you will review the project you are listed as an opponent for on the day before the review and fill in the same feedback sheet as the teachers fill. You will then take your turn after the teacher commenting on the project during the review. Both the student opponent's and the teacher's feedback sheets will be shared with the author of the project after the review. For this you will upload your filled sheets onto MyCourses on the day of the review.

The teachers will meet after the review to give the grades (1-5) for the projects and you will then receive the credits for the course. 

Late return dates

In case you cannot return your project in time, you should notify Maiju and Pirjo and then return your project by one of the two late return dates by email to Pirjo (8.1.2021 or 27.8.2021). For the late returns the grades will automatically be a little lower except for cases of falling ill for a longer time during this semester or other unexpected circumstances which need to be discussed with Maiju and Pirjo.

Last modified: Wednesday, 2 December 2020, 1:34 PM