Hello everybody, 
Here are some instructions for our first session on October 6. (longer drill sent by mail). 

1. 5-10 minutes to setup and go through general introductions.  
2. Elevator pitch round: 60 seconds for everybody to briefly outline what they will be presenting later, so that he have a hint and warmup. 
3. 10-15 minute presentation by each participant, followed by discussion. Slideshows or PDFs with notes, links and references that you have at this point are fine. As sent by email outline should include (a) description of topic (b) expected goals and outcomes (c) project and bibliographic references (d) initial notes on methodology to follow (e) challenges and uncertainties.   
4. Wrap up and targets for next session. 

For now here is a Zoom link:

And I booked the room: Väre, O308 Projekti S

Session 2: 
Same procedure as last time. 

Session 3: 

More structured presentations, and preparation for mid-term.

In-person meeting at room O308
Zoom link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/69886979332

Until soon, 

Viimeksi muutettu: keskiviikkona 20. lokakuuta 2021, 11.27