Hello all!

Let's meet in P104 on 6th of October at 15:15 for the first session. I have booked the room for all our sessions. However, we can decide in the first session how we want to formulate the time and choose a space to work together.

The zoom link for all our meetings is: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/9190566508

For the first session please bring a rough draft of the Thesis Profile Template provided to you. We can begin by discussing the profile. Let's keep that as a word file in text format. Feel free to add images to support the text. Along with the document, please prepare one slide which can roughly outline the research you are undertaking. It can be a simple chart or a mind map which can be expanded later. The profile template itself or the problem-solution pattern introduced in the writing workshops can be used as reference to make the slide. 

If you have any questions please contact me via e-mail: neha.sayed@aalto.fi

Senast redigerad: torsdag, 11 november 2021, 15:20