GIS-E1030 - Introduction to Spatial Methods D, Lecture, 14.9.2021-21.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 21.10.2021 Search Courses: GIS-E1030
Timetable 2021
Lecturers: Petri Rönnholm, Jussi Nikender, Sami El-Mahgary
Because of COVID-19 situation both lectures and assignments are implemented remotely. Some lectures will be online webinars and some pre-recorded video lectures. The implementation style will be announced here before the lecture.
L1. Tue 14.9., 10-12, Introduction (Petri), online webinar (no recording)
L2. Thu 16.9., 10-12, Convolution and interpolation with regular data, pre-recorded video lecture (Petri)
L3. Tue 21.9., 10-12, Correlation and spatial autocorrelation, pre-recorded video lecture (Petri)
L4. Thu 23.9., 10-12, Statistics and spatial statistics, pre-recorded video lecture (Petri)
L5. Tue
28.9., 10-12, Clustering and classification, pre-recorded video lecture (Petri)
L6. Thu 30.9., 10-12, Spatial data structures, pre-recorded video lecture (Jussi)
L7. Tue 5.10., 10-12, Computational geometry, pre-recorded video lecture (Jussi)
L8. Thu 7.10., 10-12, Spatial decision making tools, pre-recorded video lecture (Petri)
L9. Tue 12.10., 10-12, Spatial quality and uncertainty, pre-recorded video lecture (Petri)
L10. Thu 14.10., 10-12, Storing and handling spatial data, pre-recorded video lecture (Sami)
19.10 No lecture
Lecture examination: Thu 21.10., 9-12, no registration needed, remote examination in MyCourses
Creation of orthophotos with Matlab (programming), DL 1.10. (Relates to lectures 1 and 2. Average workload estimate 10 h)
Spatial statistic in R (scripting), DL 8.10. (Relates to lectures 3 and 4. Average workload estimate 6 h)
Basics of geoinformatics with a pen and paper, DL 18.10. (Relates to lectures 1, 3, 6, and 7. Average workload estimate 5 h)
Implementation of k-nn and kmeans classification algorithms (in R, programming), DL 18.10. (Relates to lecture 5. Average workload estimate 20 h, allocate enough time for this assignment)
(Both Matlab and R programming are needed also in other courses in the Master’s programme in Geoinformatics)
All assignments have an email support. Do not hesitate to ask for help if you face problems.