Please go through the following multimedia materials and do the assignment 1 (in list item 5):

  1. Watch the following video on YouTube: 

  2. Go thru the following BBC pages (Useful phrases, Cultural notes and Challenge). Please listen several times and write on the paper all the phrases in "Useful phrases". Real Chinese - Ordering drinks (BBC)

  3. (Optional, skip this part if you don´t know Finnish) If you know even a little bit of Finnish, please also go through the following pages, which I made for YLE: Ruoka ja juoma (YLE Oppiminen) (Käy läpi kaikki sisällöt tekemistäni sivustoista ”4. Ruoka ja juoma”.)

  4. How to thank at a tea table:

  5. How to order drinks:  

    • Assignment 1: Please write all the pinyin phrases in the video "How to order drinks" and upload.

  6. How to make tea traditionally:

  7. The Chinese Tea Ceremony   

  8. Chinese snacks: 
Last modified: Saturday, 1 May 2021, 10:50 AM