The assignments are in the form of Jupyter notebooks at, where they are also to be submitted. After logging in with your Aalto credentials, choose the CS-C3240 Machine Learning (2022) server. When it is started, you will see your own personal files.

(Re)fetching coding assignments

By selecting the Assignments tab in the upper menu, you will see all the assignments that have been published ("released"). By clicking fetch on any of the released assignments, the asignment will be added to notebooks/ml2022 in the Files section as a directory under the same name. It will also be moved among the Downloaded assignments.

how to fetch

If you wish to download the empty assignment file again, you can delete the directory in notebooks/ml2022 or simply rename it (if you wish to keep the old solution) and fetch it again.

Video on How to fetch and refetch coding assignments.

Editing and submitting coding assignments

To open the assignment notebook, click on the .ipynb file in its directory (notebooks/ml2022/Asignment X). You should see the task formulations in text, as well as pieces of code. To help you not miss any parts of the assignment, there are " raise NotImplementedError()" lines, which are to be replaced by your own code.
There are also special cells containing "# this cell is for tests". These contain code invisible to students, which automatically grades the assignment after the deadline (see the Fetching feedback section below). You do not need to pay attention to these cells.
how to open assignment
When you are satisfied with your solution, you can go back to the Assignments tab. Before clicking the Submit button, we recommend to validate the assignment. This will help you catch any errors (such as if you forgot to replace some of the NotImplemenetedErrors). Note that this will only check if the code doesn't crash, not the correctness of your solution.

After passing the validation, you can click the Submit button to hand in your solution. It is possible to submit the assignment multiple times. In such a case, only the last submission (that was submitted on time) will be graded.
how to validate

Video on How to edit and submit coding assignments.

Fetching feedback from assignments

Feedback for your solution will be made available 1-2 days after the deadline. At that point, you can click the Fetch Feedback button to receive the feedback. If the view feedback link is not visible even after a page reload, grading likely hasn't been turned on yet. An .html file containing the grading will be generated under the same name as the .ipynb file.

If you open it, on the top you'll see the points you received. You can also scroll down to see the points received broken down per problem.

how to feedback

Video on How to fetch feedbacks of coding assignments.

Senast redigerad: onsdag, 5 januari 2022, 10:25