In this video Niklas and Johanna are having a break and Johanna asks Niklas some questions:
Haluut sä?
(Haluatko sinä?) Iso vai pieni? (big or small?)

Note that in their speech, vowel combinations change into long vowels: kahvii (kahvia) maitoo (maitoa).

Johanna: Haluut sä kahvii? Would you like to have some coffee?
Niklas: Joo, se ois kiva. Yeah, that would be nice.
Johanna: Okei, mä voin tarjota. Iso vai pieni? Ok, on my treat. Big or small one?
Niklas: Pieni on ihan okei, ei maitoo. Small one is okay, no milk.
Johanna: Okei. Okay.

Last modified: Wednesday, 17 March 2021, 11:08 AM