The connection of conceptual thinking, site analysis and diagrams make a simple general framework for the work & more concrete actions form a good toolbox for development of the area – these are well chosen and can be seen in the plan itself very clearly.
The design is well considered in all of its scales – from the overall plan to the more detailed solutions of the zoom-in areas. The quite scattered feel of some of the placements of buildings is investigated and justified through careful design – resulting in interesting and surprising cityscapes and environments. Areas of development could be the organization of parking and traffic connections (making as few as possible) and studying plot boundaries and the level of private/public-control in different areas.
A professional, exact and detailed presentation, where all images deliver a lot of information but also communicate of the atmospheric goals of the work. Sectional drawings could be still developed further, but overall a very convincing and beautiful presentation.  

100271946 4+
Emphasizes the issue of Itäväylä dividing the area – can we reduce the barrier effect and make the road integrate into the urban structure – good focus. How could we use the boulevard as a public space is a great question for development. Good collection of ideas in the various areas of the plan. Aims for a holistic concept for the resilient neighborhood.
Well structured strategies and development of the concept. The scale and diversity of the design is working well, the structure can provide opportunities for housing and services. Its very good to also address the profiles of the Itäväylä and the other streets on detail level, still, reflection on what are the suitable proportions of the street and buildings for the areas to work best could be explored more (maybe with perspectives of ’street life’)? Some of the detailed strategy proposals do not find their way into the detailed plans, as the approach is so ambitiously wide.
Clear presentation even with a lot of information. Convincingly put together, readable and creates a complete whole. The visuals are at points still quite rough.

587251 4
The green loop and especially the meadow connecting to the bay is very nice concept. For 2070 and the urban boulevard model, is it enough volume to realize the loop? The strategy supports also adding more volume, and this should have been explored more. The big strength lies in developing the landscape typologies that inform then the built structure, not even necessarily in the loop itself. A promising base for developing the area.
The scale of building fits with the surroundings, a well developed urban fabric. But The choice of scale is Interesting (that the scale is so small) next to the boulevard - there are some concerns about the noise, when the built structure does not create a barrier. The question of volume also relates to the feasibility of services – where are those located – where is the “centre” of the area and how does that connect to the overall concept of the loop? Good process in developing one concept from the start.
Good presentation and graphics supporting the narrative. The visuals support the concept and communicate the aimed atmosphere well. The balance between more exact and more atmospheric presentation is good.

588580 3
The name of the concept is very good – it is at the same time very descriptive and poetic. The strength of the design is in the concept itself, bringing and integrating also industry to the city. Also giving thought to the elements we do not even now yet to be there. Some of the ideas are futuristic and conservative: new factory work, but the factory as the workplace; flexible housing ideas through modularity, but the fortress as a typological inspiration.
The work poses a question of what are the kinds of factories and offices in the future, and how they relate to the cityscape. But the ’bigger picture’ of who actually builds the megastructure(s) and why, is something of an open question (state supported development area?) Also, the idea of a modular building concept is interesting, even though not fully shown in the material – also, it is not developed far enough – modularity in this case could have a relation to production on site, the flexibility of different types of ’bottom-up’ building and block types, etc. but now this remains unexplored. The ’fortification’ block works somewhat against the ideas of flexibility and formal richness.
Really good push in the end to bring the concepts to presentation! Still, the nature and quality of some of the proposed environments is quite hard to ’see’ – there is a risk of the factory-environment becoming more of a logistics area than a multi-layered urban environment – the quality of the environment should be convincingly described through images – specifically, the presentation would benefit from clear visualizations of the quite complex central structures (exact shadows in site plans, axonometrics etc.)

648501 2
Clever starting point in terms of looking into what will not change in the future (human wellbeing). The framework for the project is laid out well through analysis (SWOT, etc.) and the resulting goals are well thought out. The conceptual ideas are on the level of strategies, a further development of them, into ’tactics’ or urban design tools would have been needed – now the emphasis on visual identity building through fabrics is interesting, but the aspect of urban space and development should be more central.
In the design, the strong statements of the strategy and conceptual ideas are somewhat unrelatable, as they are not visible in the plans. The chosen block structure is quite natural for small scale housing area, but one could ask if there is enough new building for 2070s, will the subtle design support the future way of living? Non-housing facing the boulevard? is it the quality aimed for the boulevard? In the SWOT the boulevard is seen as making connections better, but it is somewhat closed off from the central area of the design.
A coherent presentation from the concept to the design, in terms of storytelling. The bridges between the concepts of using prints and the design, as well as the wellbeing ideas should be made more strongly. The images are quite schematic and more exact presentation methods would give an opportunity to evaluate the urban environment more fully.

508861 5-
A strongly structured presentation and a concept that answers the brief of the course very well. The ’code’ is very clever and convincingly presented. Well studied ideas and an approach that combines the flexibility of ’bottom-up’ change with the guidance of more fixed ’top-down’ goals.
A holistic design work, a surprisingly coherent work where multiple futures is possible. The big questions are: are we putting all of our effort into one typology? And how will this typology stand time? Further development could be done with other typologies that share the qualities of the Townhouse (life-cycle, committed owners, etc.) The design should also consider issues of building economy – the risk of creating very exclusive environments is real.
Well put together, communicating a reflective description of the process and results. The level of detail of the different images works well with the chosen scales. Thought provoking presentation.

A fresh and clear proposal, based on ideas of ’traditional urbanism’, instead of new conceptual thinking. The focus on urban space in central areas, and different approaches to different types of typological environments is conceptually clever and functions well.
The design solutions create ’traditional’ bounded urban spaces in the more public areas and spaces with the possibility of community building and functions in housing areas. The overall project seems believable and has still a nice personal touch. In their dimensions, some of the pedestrian spaces are quite large, and should be densified or articulated more to create more small scale public spaces, compared to the detailed work on the building block level. Good process in developing the concept from the beginning.
The presentation is quite clear, the main points of the project come through well, but more work should be done with images that help to communicate the experience of the place, like perspectives (that are now left on the level of sketches) or axonometrics / detail sections. These would add to the work and make the plan more complete.

593944 4+
The work challenges the boulevard and works with it at the same time, nice idea with the band, it gives form and content to the whole work – but it is possible to ask, if the band is connecting and working as a connector in the neighborhood, or can it also be a ’divider’?  
Good and controlled work with urban fabric as well as the urban spaces that are created. The design of the built environment has an air of functionalism: division of functions is now quite clear - what about hybrid buildings and activities in the housing blocks, as most of the functions are in the common backyard? Also, the formalism creates sometimes issues with direction of sunlight etc. that have to be kept in mind. Also maybe more work could be done in articulating what happens in the band – now for example the path is quite ’linear’ and it could be a more rich connecting mesh/rhizome? The design gives a firm framework for further elaboration.
Very clear presentation with a variety of visuals, and professional zoom-ins. The work communicates its different aspects with suitable image-types, good overall structure and beautiful details.

Acknowledging the current drivers of the development in the area, as well as possible stumbling blocks in the City’s strategy. A good critical starting point that lead to the main characteristics of the work. The concepts create a field for different types of development to take place in the coming decades.
Balanced and well designed master plan, some concerns could be raised about the open block structure towards Itäväylä, as this relies very strongly on the väylä becoming less of a source of particle and noise pollution (not as resilient as a solution that would work also in another scenario). Hybrid block structures with different typologies are explored (and could be used even more in the plan) and parking solutions are realistic as well as well placed – mostly – a few communal courtyards feel a bit cramped by bands of parking. The focus on circular economy could benefit from considering the issue also beyond the quite specific ’circular economy hub’ – networked models, more decentralized solutions etc. could be interesting, where the ’hub’ is just one part?  
The presentation is well structured and clear – the references of the conceptual work add a nice level of detail even in the ’text’ part. Could have benefitted from better illustrating the strategic approach that lies beneath some other design solutions (plot boundaries, various zones of development). Good work with the drawings and images, area of development would be presentation materials that help experiencing the place (perspectives – now only one and a few vignettes) – and material describing the nature of the architecture (aspects that relate to the urban environment, like types of balconies, how the townhouse gardens are delineated etc.)

716077 3+
A soft approach, focus on quality of life itself, not following the current paradigm of inserting volume according to general plans. This brings unique aspects to the plan, as the concept requires new types of thinking as well as design. Post-humanistic thinking in the work works well and with originality in the approach the work is a good opening for discussion – the jump from concept to design tools needs still development and articulation.
Some of the larger moves seem promising – connecting different parts of the environment and reducing the effects of the Itäväylä. Locations for new building as well as reuse of old structures is considered in the large scale, but the design would benefit from a focus on the qualities of the urban/natural space in between. This is where many of the goals (1.-3.) of the project would get ’realized’ – and the interplay between old/new structure and nature, and the possibility of a stimulating environment should be imagined through design. The zoom-ins leave now a bit too much to the imagination and some solutions (for example concerning parking, the green bori) seem counterproductive in places. The boulevard design seems promising, but would need more articulation, maybe also solutions for dealing with the pollution/noise.
The presentation is strong in its striking clearness and the aspirational goals – the design should be presented with more detail especially in plans and effort put in the areas that really would give the justification for the overall approach. Now the cartoon gives fascinating glimpses, but it could be tied more closely to this exact location and plan.  

912334 2
The project relies on a set of design tools for connecting and activating the environment, these create a framework for more specific design interventions and the overall goal of this is social resilience (and one could argue, social sustainability). Natural systems are left out of the work, except as a ’community green zone’ – the role of the natural could have been explored more, and the connection between the conceptual approach and the proposed design solutions is not completely clear and this should have been clarified.
The green connections and social/public space work quite nicely, but the loop of the semi-private systems seems formal - how does it connect to the existing circulation routes, for example? The planned development of building areas are placed in clear locations, but there is a lot of space between the buildings, what happens there? The quality of these spaces is crucial for the success of a design like this – and maybe there is also an issue of too much space for the urban fabric to really work in a cohesive sense.
In the presentation, especially the diagrams of typologies are really promising. But its not clear how they are manifested in plans. Good part of the work, but they do not create a whole. Also the hierarchy of privacy is a promising study. All in all, the material tells of inventiveness and an interesting use of artistic means for design, but the overall plan remains vague.

912648 5-
The work is rich in concepts, but the ideas are well grounded by the priority of the ecosystem and the tool ’patch-matrix-corridor’. Concepts that are stated in the beginning should be all visible in the end result – now the main concepts could be returned to in the end, as a reminder, pulling everything back together.
The design works on several scales – especially zooming out is a very useful tool for understanding the context, and in light of the importance of the ecosystem. The overall plan presents us a beautiful world to live in, based on the several diagrammatic studies of the area and the site. A few questions for further development could be about how the boulevard environment deals with noise and pollution, and how the existing residential blocks are re-naturalized. Especially with re-naturalization working with the plot owners and possible dividing lines within the larger blocks could give interesting detail-level ideas for the future environment.
The presentation works well, relying on very enjoyable storytelling through images. Now the choices for drawings work for communicating the relevant ideas as well as a certain kind of atmosphere – otherwise, a sense of space is not so apparent from the material, as there is a quality of flatness in the drawings (reminiscent of illustrations, more than renderings or perspectives) – the sections are the drawings that we can best ’inhabit’ and they work really nicely in this role.

Thematically diverse and rich – the choice of concepts (7) is well founded as a basis for scenarios for different scales (overall urban structure, as well as small details of environmental design). An approach of analytic separation first, and then, a synthesis in a ’big picture’ is basically sound, but maybe dealing with the material through a filtering system of hierarchies (mobility structure and principles -> industrial/robot infrastructural hubs -> mega-lot based decision making -> mega-lot urban form and built/unbuilt environmental character/quality -> functions, programs, life-style issues) or other ordering devices would ’gel’ the material even better.  Some of the proposed statements need references to back them up.
The design proposal(s) focus on pointing out locations (industry, etc.) and connections (green, etc.) and these are described and justified, but on a general level. The overall urban plan shows the site as a framework for change, the general nature of descriptions and design implications make it hard to assess how different proposals would work or how they would be deployed in the area. There are no design interventions applied on the boulevard and on the other current spaces in between the buildings. It is difficult to imagine with the presented trends and developments, that nothing would actually happen to those public spaces- instead, the design could better support the statements in the concept (fx. maas bus stops). There is a major intervention on the green network, however it is not present in design (stormwater treatment, reforestration etc.), the same applies for urban farming and treatment of the courtyards within the megalots.
A suitably fuzzy presentation method keeps the concepts more on the level of ideas than exact plans, and vagueness in itself is not necessarily a vice when applied with precision. But, in places, the development of more exact material would help ’test’ some of the hypotheses more fully and material that would be spatially communicative (detail sections, perspectives) could help us ’inhabit’ these futures better.

711276 5-
The work is well grounded. There is a clear sensitivity to different themes and to the context, morphology and also immaterial facts (softGIS). Conceptually combining the analysis & goals of the area has yielded a strong approach for developing the area. Taking up the 100-year perspective is a great idea, and takes the work even further.
Using the tools of ’zoning’ as a way of showing the general ideas and then a more detailed example plan is very good and clarifies the priorities of the project. The urban environment is well designed and the old and new blend together well. Several small scale interventions are interesting - there is a question whether all of the proposals work with the amount of traffic that may still be present on the boulevard. More focus on the microclimate could benefit the plan, and help create hotspots for activities in the urban fabric.
A beautiful and coherent presentation, the information-rich project is distilled well and presented in a way that is easy to discuss. All material balanced and communicative, on many points, the images are quite beautiful and professional.

The conceptual basis is interesting and reaches even further than the work itself – connection and belonging are maybe too big themes for an urban design, without them being ’broken down’ systematically into more operative sub-concepts (now the ideas of inclusivity and the importance of public green spaces are such, but what about modes of living & types of housing? These could have given even more ’fuel’ to the work.) Now the main design relies on something like a traditional site analysis with conceptual goals giving further direction. The dart technique seems like an honest approach for locating things sometimes!  
The design itself is a collection of quite specific interventions, with the overall themes of loop & axis giving general form to the proposal. Many of the blocks and environments seem well considered and balanced, with the built environment and the urban space enabling different forms of services and experiences. The location and surroundings of the tram stop seem like a missed opportunity, the natural ’intensity’ of the location should be used as part of the design. Some of the more adventurous building forms would benefit from more explanation/justification. Now there is some dependency on monofunctional points - looking at resilience, could more multifunctional environments be more integrated into the fabric (or could the functionality of spaces – how the office-boxes are related to housing – be more clearly shown)? There is some tension between grassroots approaches vs. monumentality in the built form.
The presentation is generally well ordered, even though some of jumps from concepts to solutions are not clear. The level of detail should be in some cases higher – now for example the zoom-ins do not add so much detail from the large site plan. Also the communication of the experience of the area could be strengthened through detail sections of developed perspectives. All in all, the visual language is very unified and striking – the stylistic choices in some cases work against communication (like in the diagnosis diagram, and in some cases, the basis of the drawings in a 3-d model is visible in an unhelpful way), but mainly work well.

Last modified: Thursday, 30 June 2022, 12:59 PM