CS-E4190 - Cloud Software and Systems D, Lecture, 14.9.2022-7.12.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 07.12.2022 Etsi kursseja: CS-E4190
Code of conduct
Individual work
Exercises and assignments are individual work. Discussion on them is encouraged, as long as it does not involve copying or obtaining solutions done by others. The course staff reserves the right to cross-check the submitted solutions to address cheating. Remember that episodes of plagiarism and collusion are fraudulent means in studying according to the Aalto University Code of Academic Integrity which may result in caution or suspension.
Use of online resources
The scope of the course is defined by the provided material. Even though you are free to look for additional resources online, the course material is the primary authoritative source of information for solving the exercises. Contact the course staff in case of any doubts or for additional guidance. As for the assignments, you can reuse existing code (either your own or publicly available) as long as: it fulfills only part of the assignment; you comply with the original license. Even though the course staff may recommend using specific libraries or tools, you are free to use any other options that allow you to fulfill the requirements of the assignments. In the latter case, however, the course staff might offer only limited support (if at all) should you encounter issues.
Sharing solutions
Solutions of exercises and assignments must not be shared by any means. Discussion on the Zulip workspace of the course is considered public, therefore, should not mention solutions even partially; neither should give very explicit hints that make trivial to solve the exercises or assignments. If you have a question about a particular exercise or assignment, formulate it in a way that does not reveal the solution or answer. If you have a question about the actual solution of a specific exercise (e.g., after it has been graded), ask the course staff by sending an email to the course email alias. If you have a question that involves personal or other information you do not want to share with other students in the course, send an email to the course email alias.
Addressing course staff and your peers
Be respectful of both the course staff and other students in the course. Conciseness is appreciated as much as politeness. The course staff is committed to replying to all received messages and requests as soon as possible; however, the response time may vary. If you send an email related to the course, always use the course email alias (instead of addressing individual staff members) as this ensures appropriate consideration of your message.
Enrollment policy
Late enrollments only in special circumstances; in this case, contact the responsible teacher as soon as possible. You can unenroll from the course at any time. You will be given a grade if you are enrolled at the time the course ends. The course staff reserves the right to unenroll students who have not been active during the course.