The Leader (1)

  • Chooses the book
    • Consults the Course Literature and chooses one of the listed books and which the group has not studied earlier
  • Manages the group's work
    • Organises the meetings and decides on the collaborative methods
    • Monitors individual group members’ contributions by time and relevance
    • Oversees that the group reaches its target
    • Applies creative problem solving whenever necessary (e.g. if the default role division is inapplicable)
  • Prepares the group for each Theme
    • Browses the chosen book through and divides it into equal study areas for the group members (leader included)
    • Breaks the Theme into 3+ sub-questions that the members (leader included) work with in more detail
  • Reports about the groupwork in the Leaders' Reports
    • Describes the work process, the group's working methods, and their own contribution as the Leader
    • Reflects on any challenges: What did you find easiest or hardest and why? Did anything special happen during the working cycle? Did anything occur that you did not expect?
    • Reflects on any learning points: What did you learn about working in this way (a book study group)? Is there anything that you could apply in other group work projects? Any special remarks?
  • Gives feedback on another group's report

The Contextualiser (1)

  • Collects and researches reviews and commentary about the book in relation to each Theme

The Highlighter (1)

  • Analyses the language of the book in relation to each Theme

The Visualizer (1)

  • Analyses the use of graphics in the book in relation to each Theme

The Connector (1)

  • Collects the group members’ previous experiences of the things they have read, other courses they have taken, or any other ideas that come up in the group's discussions in relation to each Theme

The Presenter(s) (the remaining group participants)

  • Draws together their group's discussions and submits their group’s report to each Theme.

Senast redigerad: tisdag, 6 september 2022, 15:01