Theme 1. Target Audience 
How does the book define its default target audience? Analyse how this shows in the contents, text, images, style, layout etc.

Theme 2. Publication Motivation
What reasons does the book give for its existence? Why has this book been published? Analyse its raison d'être and how it shows in the book.

Theme 3. Understanding of Architectural Research
How does this book define architectural and/or design research? Analyse the book's research conceptions.

Theme 4. Portrait of a Researcher
What kind of a portrait does the book paint of the researcher? Analyse the book’s ideas of scholars and designers and how their work is characterized.

Theme 5. Cultural Applicability
How applicable is the book to various cultural situations? Do its core ideas translate well into various contexts (e.g. Western/Asian, global/regional, or architecture/landscape architecture /interior architecture). Is the book generic or specific? Analyse the values, example cases, references etc. in the book and discuss their relevance to you and your educational and cultural backgrounds.

Theme 6. Usability
How does the book meet the reader’s need for information? Analyse the contents both from your own and the expected target audience’s point of view.

Senast redigerad: tisdag, 6 september 2022, 14:46