Welcome to FSM 2022 course! This autumn the course will be organized completely in f2f mode.

Here you can find the most commonly asked Q&A:

Will there be recordings available? 

No, we want to encourage everyone's participation during the teaching sessions and it is easier, when you know that you are not recorded.

What if I can't make it to some of the sessions?

There are no compulsory sessions in this course, only the exam. For getting points for tasks requiring live presenting (such as presentation of the poster), you will obviously need to be there. It is noteworthy that it is possible to pass the course without all these points.

Is there a book that the course follows?

No, since the course follows the latest developments of soft materials science, there is no one book that covers it all. The most important concepts are presented in the lecture slides and the lecturers will also recommend review articles for those, who are interested.

How do I prepare for the exam?

Familiarize yourself with the key concepts presented in the lectures, those are the ones that will be asked during the exam. Writing the learning diary regularly is the best preparation to the exam.

How to contact the teaching staff?

In case your question is truly unique and not answered already here, please aim to ask it during the Wednesday workshop sessions - that is how everyone can benefit from the answer. If needed, the email address of the teaching staff is fsm2022@aalto.fi. We don't reply to personal e-mails.


Senast redigerad: torsdag, 1 september 2022, 11:50