Week 35-36

Sept 9

Group selection and pre-questionnaire

Week 37

Sept 16

Design brief for group project 

Week 37-38

Sept 23

Stirling engine starter project (individual work)

Week 40

Oct 7

Initial concept for group project

Week 43

Oct 28

Concept pitch + peer review & 1st evaluation questionnaire

Week 46

Nov 18

Status report & 2nd evaluation questionnaire

Week 47


Status report peer review 

Week 49

Dec 7

Information poster

Week 49

Dec 9

Gala: Prototype demonstration & Demonstration gala reflections

Week 50

Dec 16

Final report & Final evaluation questionnaire

Weeks 37-38

- Individually measure components of Stirling engine

- Select best ideas together as a group

- Operate engine in the lab and measure engine operation (Sept 23)

Already during weeks 37-39

- Initial ideation for your machine design project i.e., about functions, mechanism, its manufacturability etc.

- Select best ideas together as a group

Weeks 40-43: Develop concept and initial design

- Confirm concept to be developed (Oct 7)

- Decide components, materials (Granta Edupack), verify functionality (models, MBS), FEA (in critical places) and necessary steps of product design

- First draft of design documentation and manufacturing/ assembly plan

Week 43: Concept pitch in lieu of midterm exam (28th Oct)

- Pitch the concept, design process, material selection, manufacturing plan, assembly plan and other aspects (more details via announcement)

- Student groups are allowed to playback a pre-recorded concept pitch

- Peer review: Pre-determined groups will critique the concept pitches

- In case you have a time/order preference for the pitching session, please inform the course assistant beforehand

- Submit the 1st evaluation questionnaire (28th Oct)

Weeks 44-46: Detailed design & kickstart prototype development

- Iterate and further develop the machine concept design

- Update design documentation based on the detailed design

- Start updating and elaborating the manufacturing/ assembly plan & do a safety evaluation

- Project status report is a work-in-progress (draft) version of your final report (by 18th Nov).
Include the progress/current status, schedule, work distribution, design documentation, draft versions of manufacturing, assembly and testing plans

- Submit the 2nd evaluation questionnaire (18th Nov)

Weeks 47-50: Exhibiting the prototype

- Status report peer review  (week 47)

- Iterate prototype, finalize design documentation

- Advertising your project (poster for Gala by 7th Dec)

- Gala presentation on 9th Dec

- Complete Demonstration gala reflections by 9th Dec midnight

Week 51: Final reporting and Final evaluation questionnaire (by 16th Dec)

Viimeksi muutettu: keskiviikkona 31. elokuuta 2022, 12.03