Tutoriaali-sarjoja verkkosivujen suunnitteluun (helpot)

Interneting is Hard
Interneting Is Hard (But it doesn’t have to be):  Friendly web development tutorials for complete beginners


Mozilla Developer Network - Learn web development
Getting started with the web is a concise series introducing you to the practicalities of web development. You'll set up the tools you need to construct a simple webpage and publish your own simple code.


HTML Tutorial at W3Schools


Syvä pääty: Web development. Omalla vastuulla!

Why is modern web development so complicated? (VRK.dev)

A long yet hasty explanation pt.1


freeCodeCamp - (FULL STACK) - A complete tutorial series. It covers almost everything, from the very basic (HTML & CSS), JS frameworks, even interview training. I stopped until the intermediate algorithm part though, and put some more times creating real project instead. Anyway, very good for a start.

Interneting Is Hard - (HTML & CSS) - Beautiful and plain simple tutorial, on point with the best practices, also again, with beautiful illustrations. This only covers HTML & CSS though, and you can complete this pretty quick, I'd say a week is max.

The Net Ninja - (FULL STACK) - If you're more of a video guy (just like me), you will find his tutorial amazing, and 100% free. Can't say much about the HTML & CSS tutorials, but his NodeJS one is good, only a lil bit miss on style guide.

Eloquent Javascript - (JS) - A really good book about Javascript. There's many good JS books, I recommend this one because of personal preference...

Javascript30 - (JS) - 30 completely free video series about pure vanilla Javascript and some HTML CSS. This and Eloquent Javascript book right before, is a perfect tutorial before starting to dive into JS frameworks.

React Fundamentals - (REACT) - This is a ReactJS (JS Front-End Framework) tutorial series from Tyler McGinnis. As you know, this only covers React, but it is very very good. Don't dive into this if you didn't grasp JS fundamentals. Also, you don't need to know ANY js frameworks to make a website, but JS frameworks is a mandatory thing if you want to build a scaling web apps.

Modern React with Redux - (REACT & REDUX) - A paid tutorial about more React and Redux. You don't need this yet though, I just wanna share his really really awesome tuts, very thorough. He writes the bad practice first, then covers the best practice as well.

My personal journey on web dev starts from freeCodeCamp - Javascript30 - Eloquent Javascript - React Fundamentals - Interneting is Hard (lol) - Modern React with Redux - Node JS (The Net Ninja).

IMPORTANT!! Also check this famous Developer Roadmap to clear the path for you, of course. Also make sure to keep practising and build something with any new knowledge that you get!

Udemy: The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele (maksullinen, mutta aina -90% alennuksessa...)

Viimeksi muutettu: keskiviikkona 14. syyskuuta 2022, 15.18