Liebe Studierende,

es war schön, Sie heute zu treffen! It was nice to meet you today!

Today we started chapter 7:

- listening + understanding

- asking & giving directions + exercise (Sprechen wir mal! p. 107)

- Imperative of the polite form + ex. 6 (p. 112)

- Dative (p. 113) + oral exercises in the class


Exercises 1-4 (p. 108-111)

Exercises 8-9 (p. 114-115)

Learn the articles in dative!

Prepare Chapter 8 (listen and read the text + ex. 1-2a p. 122)

Beste Grüße


Viimeksi muutettu: maanantaina 26. syyskuuta 2022, 17.47