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Open Garment Creator program from desktop and change from the configuration menu inches to millimeters if you prefer so.


Basic workflow for light printing bases
  • cut and iron the fabrics well in advance
  • choose platen size (S, M or L) and put it on the installation platen
  • place the fabric to platen
  • remove any lint with sticky tape or cloth brush and press fibers flat with hard roller or grip pad tool (note! do this only for uncoated printing bases)
  • put the frame in place lightly
  • pull media outside of the frame to remove any creases and slack
  • press down the frame so it will not loosen during printing
  • adjust the height of the platen to suit your media
    • from lowest height at where printer alarms (platen height error) 2 steps lower (1 step = half shift)
  • open your file, choose print settings and check layout settings and print
  • clean the printing platen immediately after printing if ink has "passed" through the fabric

Print settings

Choose from Print settings presets:
Light Color T-Shirt (Standard) (printing on white/light printing bases)

Adjust these if needed:

  • Print Quality: 1-4 (default 2)
  • Print Direction: Uni or Bi (default Bi)
  • Ink Density
    • color: -50% - + 100% (default 0)

Settings affect the permeability and spread of the ink, which depend on the fiber content and structure of the fabric. Do you first prints with standard setting, adjust according to your later knowledge.

Layout settings

Select the correct platen size from the drop-down list (S, M or L)
Position your files either by adjusting the settings or manually

Choosing the right platen size is very important. Default is M size platen. Printer does not regonise the size and will print all over the movable base according to the settings and not the actual platen size. Pay attention especially if your file is larger than the current platen or you change platens during your printing.

Sign out

Sign out from the computer but do not NEVER TURN OFF THE PRINTER.

A built-in ink circulation system prevents problems due to sedimentation of ink particles in the White ink tube. Stable ink supply and print quality have been achieved by regurarly circulating ink system.

Stable print quality has been achieved by automatically cleaning the surface of the print head nozzles. In addition, the auto maintenance system automatically performs white ink maintenance regurarly.

If the printer is turned off these automatic cleaning systems are not working and result is permanently clogged print head nozzles, which will reduce print quality.

Senast redigerad: torsdag, 28 oktober 2021, 08:46