There are three kinds of student assignments or exams:

  1. Homework
  2. STACK -- automated, randomised problems
  3. Exam

Once we get the tutorials going the weighting of the different types will be made clearer. In continuous assessment, the course exam is roughly 50% of the total weight.

The course exam will have six problems, 6 pts each, for a grand total of 36 pts. 

There will be eleven problem sheets with two peer-reviewed problems (22 in total) and 12 STACK sessions. Due to scheduling the last set of homework will be graded by the TAs. The Mathworks OnRamp and successfully submitted feedback are also worth one bonus point. So, the maximum number of points is 22+12=34 (+ 2). 

For grade 5 it is guaranteed that 90% is sufficient. Historically, the threshold for grade 5 has been lower than 90% For instance, if there is an impossibly difficult problem in the exam, it will be taken into account in the final assessment.

Senast redigerad: fredag, 14 oktober 2022, 17:07