Here you can find details on how the learning diaries are assessed. This table can also be used as a "checklist" or to give ideas on how to write or improve the learning diaries you are or will be writing; the table shows the elements we are looking for in the learning diary.

DimensionDescription0 points1 point2 points3 points
Lecture topicsDoes the student discuss the topics dealt with in lectures or homework?
None of the content is discussed.Some topics are mentioned or referred to, but not discussed.Some topics are discussed, but not really comprehensively or in depth.Several topics are discussed systematically and comprehensively, and in depth.
Author's own point of viewDoes the LD show how the author sees the topic?Author's own point of view (subjective perspective) is not visible at all. Only descriptive (objective) discussion.Author's own view can be seen in a few cases. E.g. "I think ..." used occasionally, but not going beyond that.
Author's own point of view is visible in several cases, and its clear they have been thinking about the some topics deeply.Author's own point of view is extensively described. Considerable effort has been put into expressing deep thinking in many cases.
Perspectives and the "big picture"Does the LD consider topics from multiple perspectives and set them in a wider context?Narrow statement only including author's own point of view.A couple references to other perspectives, e.g. how someone else might see the topic, but only very briefly.
In addition to presenting other perspectives, the author also tries to set them in a wider context.Topics are looked at from several perspectives and comprehensively discussed in a wider context, in relation to a "bigger picture".
Learning processDoes the author discuss their learning process?Author's learning process is not discussed and it is not visible in the learning diary.Learning is discussed a little, but it has little or no effect on setting learning goals for the future.Some strengths and weaknesses in learning recognised. Vague goals are set for future to improve learning.Strengths and weaknesses in learning recognised and clear goals are set for deeper learning in the future.
"Extra points"
You can give up to two extra points if you feel they "are needed." These should be used sparingly and only in special occasions. Note: if extra points are given, they need to be justified in the comments; just describe shortly why you gave them.
The default is no extra points.

One additional point to be used if the LD is shows some quality that was included in the grading criteria, but that deserve the extra points.

Two additional points to be used if the LD is truly exceptional and the assessor feels that there was some great quality that was not captured by the grading criteria, but that deserve the extra points.


Last modified: Friday, 9 February 2018, 2:24 PM