First name Last name Student number Assigned topics Topic name
Fajar Malik 100738599 SS3 Psychometry for researching usable security
Vipul Kumar 100497995 JL2 Managing secrets in cloud applications
Rasmus Blässar 528485 TA Network virtualization today
Zainab Khan 100498279 AY1 Microservices - when and how to use them
Je-Ruei Yang 100498677 TA Network virtualization today
Parsa Sadri Sinaki 100501195 AY1 Microservices - when and how to use them
Andrea Amadei 100793945 AY2 Energy saving capabilities of Kubernetes
Philipp Giersfeld 962038 LG Formal Verification of Security Properties
Wendy Yunuen Arevalo Espinal 100517312 RW Dynamics of social interactions in social Mixed Reality
Songlin Jiang 100496912 TA Network virtualization today
Praewpiraya Wiwatphonthana 100532436 MD2 Security and privacy in the metaverse
Ishani Bhardwaj 100586628 LT2 Programming Orchestration of Data Analysis Workflows in Edge Cloud Continuum
Salem Wollel 100774155 SS1 Security indicators and warnings
Jinjia Zhang 100537677 TA Network virtualization today
Anoosha Sajid 100676237 SS2 Usability of passwords
Leonardo Pasquarelli 100089769 NS Virtual reality toward the internet of senses
Jawad Zaheer 100499838 AY1 Microservices - when and how to use them
Chathurangi Edussuriya 100817575 SL Blockchains and Proof-of-X protocols: security vulnerabilities and tradeoffs
Farjad Ali 100524486 AL Authentication, authorization, and session management for web applications
Javier Rosales 100575558 BL1 Adversarial attacks
Alina Kostetska 100704963 LG Formal Verification of Security Properties
Başak Amasya 100502835 SC Modern applications of software reliability growth models
Apramey Bhat 100502673 AL Authentication, authorization, and session management for web applications
Nimer Singh 100602159 JL1 Comparative of security tools for the cloud
Uuna Saarela 100824429 LG Formal Verification of Security Properties
Songlin Jiang 100496912 TA Network virtualization today
Zsombor Takács 100482832 TA Network virtualization today
Roope Kajoluoto 707138 SZ Uncertainty estimation in Model-based RL with ensemble model
Atte Rouhe 713151 TA Network virtualization today
Niko Vänttilä 716530 JB Software supply chain security
Xu Feng 100480038 AL Authentication, authorization, and session management for web applications
Marko Pekkola 604312 HM1 Animation of interactions with dynamic objects using neural networks
Ali Ghazal 100505816 LT1 Debugging, Logging and Monitoring ML Systems: Techniques and Tools
Iikka Näsälä 717322 JL1 Comparative of security tools for the cloud
Walerius Kyllönen 780058 MD1 Multi-factor authentication with mobile devices: open challenges
Murali Abinaov 100737749 AR Algorithmic power
Patrik Mäki 708988 NS Virtual reality toward the internet of senses
Jiehong Mo 100700679 AS1 Speaker recognition
Samath Lenaduwa Lokuge 652681 JH Machine learning for fog and edge service placement
Markus Kähkönen 672674 AR Algorithmic power
Touko Nurminen 730370 RW Dynamics of social interactions in social Mixed Reality
Zainab Ahmad 100728790 JL2 Managing secrets in cloud applications
Shweta Jaiswal 100499223 AY1 Microservices - when and how to use them
Ville Vastamäki 711182 JL1 Comparative of security tools for the cloud
Valentin Röttgen 100478723 AG Endurable and compliant artificial intelligent systems through MLOps
Rui Liao 100528039 BL1 Adversarial attacks
Jana Fischer 100692499 AB Likelihood-free model selection
Phong Tran 970347 AY2 Energy saving capabilities of Kubernetes
Sanzhar Yeleuov 100592890 BL1 Adversarial attacks
Shuto Kuriyama 100828690 RL Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments
Pawel Strozanski 788539 MK Using and optimizing stencil applications for GPUs using a CUDA-MPI library Astaroth
Impiö Impiö 591946 SL Blockchains and Proof-of-X protocols: security vulnerabilities and tradeoffs
Samu Kähkönen 708027 BL1 Adversarial attacks
Roope Karppinen 707293 AR Algorithmic power
Dang Hai Luong 898351 AL Authentication, authorization, and session management for web applications
Tenho Korhonen 707798 NS Virtual reality toward the internet of senses
Meri Lemponen 708438 JL2 Managing secrets in cloud applications
Janne Hölttä 706825 HM1 Animation of interactions with dynamic objects using neural networks
Henri Katvio 593274 MS1 Learning-based video coding
Roope Räsänen 656991 JB Software supply chain security
Ken Riippa 653525 AR Algorithmic power
Sandeep Aryal 717911 AZ1 A survey on participant selection for mobile crowdsensing
Jenna Peuralinna 782111 AY1 Microservices - when and how to use them
Zehui Xu 100524512 MS1 Learning-based video coding
Berk Türetken 100502738 MD1 Multi-factor authentication with mobile devices: open challenges
Kwan Li 730969 JH Machine learning for fog and edge service placement
Tomi Molander 708894 MK Using and optimizing stencil applications for GPUs using a CUDA-MPI library Astaroth
Jaakko Perttula 603287 TA Network virtualization today
Dhungana Ashok 999263 AZ1 A survey on participant selection for mobile crowdsensing
Vänttilä Niko Jeremias 716530 JB Software supply chain security
Pulli Leena Marjatta 100858932 AZ3 Challenges behind large scale Structure from Motion Mapping
Moflic Ioana 100528741 AP Quantum Natural Language Processing
Zhang Yifan 100988666 JR1 A survey on artificial noise management for backscatter communication
Bai Yu 100120961 JR2 Towards Autonomous Multi-UAV Wireless Networks: A Survey of Reinforcement Learning-based Approaches
Wang Xinjue 892454 EO Exploring the sparsity and low-rankness in Tensor Regression
Pham Thi Song Huong 1035061 PS Kubernetes Approach to Public Key Infrastructure
Fan Yuanhao 100859672 HM1 Animation of interactions with dynamic objects using neural networks

Last modified: Monday, 23 January 2023, 10:55 AM