There are two ingredients in the calculation of your final grade:

  1. Homework (six sheets in total, one per week)
  2. Exam

Final grade: 

Option 1 (valid only for the exam right after the end of the course, not a later retake exam). Call H the total score you get by summing all the homework, and call E the total score you get from the exam. The final score will be 

max (E, (H+E)/2). 

Which means, the final score will either be based on the final exam only, or the average between the homework and the exam, whichever is better in your case.

Option 2. If you go to a retake exam, or if you choose not to submit the homework solutions, your final grade will be based on that exam only.


  • There will be 6 homework sheets. Each sheet contains some practice problems ("warm-ups") and some problems whose solution has to be submitted in order for you to get points: three "Homework" problems (6 points each), and one "Fill-in-the-blanks" problem (3 points). So the maximum for each sheet is 21 points.
  • The course exam will have six problems, 6 points each.

NB: Please note that it is not mandatory to submit the homework solutions. You can still get a 5 by taking the exam only!

Last modified: Friday, 10 February 2023, 2:50 PM